We equip people
to live healthy, hopeful,
and productive lives.

What we do

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“Bilingual and multicultural nonprofit”

We are a bilingual and multicultural nonprofit located in Charlotte NC. For more than 20 years, Camino has served Latino families in this area. Our services include a health center, upward mobility program, thrift store, church, research institute, and university. All of Camino’s services are offered in English and Spanish, ensuring every person receives the services they need in a language they understand and in a setting they trust.

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Amittay Rodriguez

“Well, it’s a beautiful experience how every week families are coming from different parts of the world, and when they get to Camino, we love them and we uplift them from an emotional and spiritual point of view.” – Amittay Rodriguez, Pastor at Camino Church

Fanny Ramirez

“Camino has helped me a lot. I had knee problems and one day I came here… They checked me. I couldn’t walk. I got in hopping on one leg. They gave me a walker and a wheelchair. I get emotional because I never imagined I would enter like that and then I left with a walker and a wheelchair.” – Fanny Ramirez, Camino Vida and Camino Clinic Patient


“I am also working at Camino as an accounting assistant. I just feel so happy that I am actually fulfilling one of my biggest dreams, which is to go to college and get a degree, and I am actually going to be the first one in my family who graduates from a four-year university.” – Tatiana Ruano, Assistant Director of Finance at Camino

Paulina Moscoso

“I am very thankful for Camino because the care that my daughter received from the specialist, the doctor, was very good. He was such a nice doctor. I was amazed by how he treated my daughter and us…” – Paulina Moscoso, Camino Clinic and Social Navigation Patient

Elisa Cruz

“I love this store. I come often because there are always new and different things. They have great prices, they’re accessible, and the items are in good condition.” – Elisa Cruz, Customer at The WearHouse


“Camino to me is a place you can go where you know you’re going to be treated fairly… I’ve been coming here for at least 12 years or so. They give top quality food and supplies and I’m grateful just to be able to come here. They always seem to be friendly and for the length of time I’ve been coming, we recognize each other, and it’s like a friendship. You get to where you look forward to coming.” – Parish, Food Farmacy Client

Our Values

We make Soup Not Salad

A salad can never offer true unity–ingredients are tossed together to make a plate of separate pieces. Instead, we are a soup. Each person brings their unique flavor to the bowl, but we are one unified dish.
Our Values

We Fly Like Geese

Geese fly in formation, united in focus and purpose. Each goose contributes to the whole and serves an important purpose. Like geese, we fly in unity while caring for one another.
Our Values

We Cross Borders

Crossing borders is a dangerous and messy business. But that’s the business we’re in. We go places others have never been before and do things others will never dare to do!
Our Values

We Laugh

Laughing doesn’t mean that everything is always easy—it means that even in the difficult times our faith brings joy that transcends circumstance and so we bring joy to those around us.
Our Values

We Recycle

 We live in a “replaceable” culture. When our clothes tear, we don’t mend them, we throw them away. But at Camino, because we value people and resources, we don’t replace–we recycle.

2022 by the Numbers

All of Camino’s services are bilingual and multicultural, ensuring that every person receives the services they need, in a language they understand, and in a setting they trust. Here are a few statistics from our services provided in 2022:

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Times Arriba served people through its Employment Readiness Program


Times the FoodFarmacy distributed food to those in need


Visits offered to patients by Camino Health Center

Annual Report

Annual Report 2022

“As I reflect on last year, I am renewed in my commitment to the Camino mission, and as I look to the future, I am filled with great hope. As we start the year 2023, we are embarking on our 25th year of serving Latino communities, and we have never been stronger and more prepared to fulfill our mission of equipping people to live healthy, hopeful, and productive lives! I believe that the future is Latino. So, in continuing to serve the Latino community, I know that we are investing in a future filled with hope, hard work, and mucho sabor.” -Rusty Price

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